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From Apple Farms to Untold Stories: The Journey of Author Lena Scholman

Lena Scholmasn’s story is one of exploration, both geographically and personally. Growing up on an apple farm in idyllic Georgian Bay, she ventured out to Mexico, the West Coast, and France before settling in the heart of Hamilton, Ontario. This journey through diverse landscapes is reflected in her writing, which delves into the complexities of human experience.

Scholmasn is passionate about unearthing untold stories, particularly those of the oppressed and marginalized. Her commitment stems from a childhood immersed in World War II literature. Initially, her worldview was shaped by clear divisions between good and evil. However, as her bookshelf diversified, she began to explore themes of class, colonialism, and the lingering impact of the war. This exploration led her on a research journey through personal memoirs, official records, and even graveyards, uncovering the heartbreaking incompleteness of many narratives.

This profound experience sparked a fire in Scholmasn – a dedication to giving voice to the silenced. She believes that by inhabiting each other’s stories, we foster a deeper sense of connection and belonging. This mission extends beyond her writing; she actively seeks to elevate marginalized voices and pass on this tradition to her children.

While her historical research can be emotionally demanding, Scholmasn finds balance in her writing. To lighten the mood, she crafted the heartwarming “Valley Hardware” series. This collection of vignettes revolves around Lorne, a city transplant navigating small-town life with his new wife, his ex-wife who runs the local salon across the street, and their teenage daughter, Ella. The stories depict the formation of unlikely friendships within the community, a theme central to Scholmasn’s vision.

Want to delve deeper into Lena Scholmasn’s world?

  • Read her novel, “Between Silk and Wool.”
  • Explore the heartwarming “Valley Hardware” series.
  • Follow her blog for insights on politics, books, faith, and more.

Currently, Lena resides in Hamilton, Ontario, where she wears many hats:

  • Story coach and recruiter for Steel City Stories.
  • Freelancer for Metroland Media.
  • Contributor to the Globe and Mail.

Lena Scholmasn’s journey is a testament to the power of storytelling. Her work sheds light on forgotten narratives and reminds us of the importance of connection. As she continues to explore the depths of human experience, we can expect even more captivating stories to emerge from her pen.

It was a pleasure to capture this professional portrait of Lena Scholmasn, a writer whose passion for storytelling shines through her work.